Sunday [5 and 6]

(0712) Morning all you early(ish) birds. (0800)


6. TDS

JH: Indeed.

5. Kathy G’s weekly reflection

A bit quieter than of late, it did give me a chance to take stock and ponder on some of the smaller things in daily life as well as the apparently big ones.

Like the number of babies I see being carted around by distracted or inattentive parents without any sort of hat, hood or bonnet despite the wet and chilly weather. And the number of parents, including mothers, who don’t hold their infant’s or child’s hand. I have been seriously tempted to stop them, to give respective lectures on babies losing more heat from their heads than any other part of their body and the importance on busy roads and crowded streets of never letting go of your child’s hand. I haven’t – yet – but I feel it coming.

Nor have I yet confronted any of the far too many women I see on my local shopping street sporting head-covers that, by contrast to those poor bare-headed babies, they don’t need. I am talking about the ever-present hijab that is fast becoming the fashion norm in so much of London. Is it just Muslim women wearing them? Looking at the faces has had me wondering whether it’s the faith or the fashion that’s gaining converts. My lecture to them? Why are you sliding into this? Do you have no idea what this symbolises or how regressive this is?

One reply

  1. Isilme:
    6. Wasn’t there a £22 million black hole in the finances that the government were complaining about???


    JH: Add to that the rest of the taxpayer money squandering.

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