Friday [1 to 4]

(0636) Dark from bed here but I see DAD has dropped … nice start to the day as long as he deigns to drop, we can only hope and pray. Light coming up, looks nice enough. (0731)


4. JH notes on the aforegoing, for what they’re worth

… scrolling down the page:

  • Lekky price rises … we already know ours, they ain’t fun, I’ve paid ahead just to stay ahead.
  • Tina Peters … this is nasty … this is also Bernie Spofforth … yes, the gals were less than careful to cover their backsides, they’re outspoken … they’re also right … and that last bit cannot be forgiven by the psycho machine.

Reminds me of Alisha Owens with the satanic abuse in the 70s … very real, was shown so … the machine framed it around her retracted “confession” and slapped another twenty years on her sentence or whatever it was.

Anyone recall who else retracted or refused to play ball? I mean female, not One Flew Over … yes … Sarah Connor and centuries sgo … Joan of Arc. The psycho machine always goes for easy targets, e.g. a near 80 year old man running for Pres and mouthing off.

  • Alex M … it’s a reminder that we must know our sources, must explore them, not just accept them, Jenrick-like, without digging. We must figuratively get off our backsides and dig. Alex M … yes, chequered past, all sorts of vulnerabilities, now doing good work, unfortunate manner, also terrible thumbnail, gloating.

We know his bias, heavily pro-Russian, therefore pro-Iranian, forgiving of China, anti Nethan the Yahoo … I mean, night follows day, yes? Ditto with Levan in Moscow. Alex C is influenced by Alex M. US sources? A couple of the retired generals really.

Nothing wrong with bias, if a known-known, just collect various shades of bias and average or else select from. The one thing to avoid like the plague is “Fact checking” masquerading as “evenhanded” and “unbiased” … no human on earth is unbiased.

  • HCQ … I have it every day in tonic. The good folk never claimed panacea, only effectiveness very early in being hit by lurgy … in my case, quite effective every time.
  • EVs … hope DAD’s right, not only for stopping the premium on, say, NC lithium, displacing residents, but also stopping the whole windmill and EV replacement madness … mineral fuels (not fossil) are the way to go, ICE, plus some nuclear, maybe fracking, some solar, some ordinary Dutch barn style wind, picturesque, some hydro using rivers etc. A mix of sources.

3. TDS (link in blogrolls, via navbar)

2. Steve droppeth too, at 830, as head of 1st Para, Special Ops

… JH selection from:

MftWC 4: North Carolina’s Democrat Governor Roy Cooper Still Hasn’t Deployed 1,000 Troops Approved to Assist in Hurricane Helene Recovery: Report

MftWC 3: Former Mesa, County Clerk and Gold Star Mother Tina Peters Sentenced to 9 Years in Latest Political Persecution

MftWC 2: Iran Hit Targets, Braces Counter Strike; Russia Back Iran; Putin Puts Off Scholz Call; Toretsk Collapse – Alexander Mercouris

MftWC 1: Connecting Chemtrail Spraying and Morgellons with Covid 19 Bioweapon Shots

1. DAD droppeth the sit-rep from France at 831

a) France must slash its budget deficit and trim its tottering debt pile, newly-installed Prime Minister Michel Barnier told lawmakers Tuesday, vowing a combination of higher taxes and spending cuts.

b) How to cut the deficit…. In order to save the State money, the Court of Auditors suggested in a report published on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, to eliminate 100,000 jobs in local authorities. This would save more than 4 billion euros.

c) The Order of Physicians has increased, on appeal, its sanction against infectious disease specialist [Prof.] Didier Raoult for his unfounded promotion of hydroxychloroquine against Covid-19. It has banned him from practicing medicine for two years

d) THE EV BUBBLE HAS BURST – OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT BY ME! (and I can prove it!) The signs are all there you just need to read them right! The dream is over and about time too!

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