Daily Archives: September 30, 2024

Monday [11 onwards]


11. Been looking at the IRS

… and other sites, trying to sort out this “naturally born” thing. It’s clear that for tax purposes, the term “citizen” is broad and does not require being born on US soil.

“Natural born” though is associated with becoming POTUS and VPOTUS:

“What qualifies as a natural born US citizen? Anyone born on American soil whose parents are citizens of the United States is a ‘natural born citizen'”.

The key there, imho, is parents (plural). Plus “soil” may well include overseas territories. There’s also this:

Amendment XIV, Section 1, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution directs that all persons born in the United States are U.S. citizens. This is the case regardless of the tax or immigration status of a person’s parents.




John Armor Bingham, the American lawyer and politician who framed the 14th Amendment spoke on it, then:

He expanded his statement four years later on 9 March 1866, emphasizing twice that this required a man born to “parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty” so he would be “not owing a foreign allegiance”.[75]


In a 2012 New York case, Strunk v. N.Y. State Board of Elections,[5] the pro seplaintiff challenged Barack Obama‘s presence on the presidential ballot, based on his own interpretation that “natural born citizen” required the president “to have been born on United States soil and have two United States born parents” (emphasis added). To this the Court responded, “Article II, section 1, clause 5 does not state this. No legal authority has ever stated that the Natural Born Citizen clause means what plaintiff Strunk claims it says. … Moreover, President Obama is the sixth U.S. President to have had one or both of his parents not born on U.S. soil”. The opinion then listed Andrew Jackson, James Buchanan, Chester A. Arthur, Woodrow Wilson, and Herbert Hoover.[5]

To me, there is sophistry going on … the issue certainly is not both parents born on the soil plus under the jurisdiction but just “citizens” by any route. Both parents citizens does not mean both parents born on the soil

Obama’s mother was American, the father not … did he become naturalised? Also, did the mother rush to Hawaii so Barry would be born on US soil? The prime issue here is the status of Soetoro Snr.

With Harris, if the parentage is of importance, there seems skullduggery there but does it preclude her? Just what is it they don’t want known of her antecedents? How important are those antecedents?

Well, given her Starmeresque unleashing of hell on America coming up if DJT doesn’t make it … I’d say pretty vital.

Foreign allegiance doesn’t seem an issue here … Boris, plus Starmer in thrall to the WEF, also Blair and Brown.

Monday [7 to 10]

(0845) Morning all … lovely day out there … not. (0937)

10. Covid and the deathjab

9. It’s been going on for some time

TRG via IYE at 825 … the quote is from Oct 2020:

8. IYE … prodigal son

Feast of viewing at 825 … and how.

7. Kristofferson (allegedly)

All right, obvious reaction of KK would be, no, to sue the hell out of CO’B? Do you recall the lawsuit? No?

Well what about Streisand on BT? All right then … the suit by Cheney? Bob Hope?

Ah, say you perhaps … that takes money. Uh huh … any of those not have money? Juss sayin’ like.

Monday [1 to 6]


6. Steve at 824 last evening

MftWC 4:

Austria’s Right Wing ‘Freedom Party’ Receives Most Votes in Today’s Election – Exit Polls

JH with this:

MftWC 3:

MSNBC Contributor Admits Harris Campaign is Struggling With Men: ‘Young Men, Older Men, Men of Color, White Men’

MftWC 2:

Massive Drone Strikes Targeted Seven Russian Rear Region

MftWC 1:

Scotland’s Chief Medical Officer tells UK Covid Inquiry hospitals were inundated with Covid patients – hospital records show the opposite

5. Leggy

4. Ain’t no chickens around here, boss

3. Daily Sceptic (TDS, in blogrolls)

2. Jenrick’s gambit

When one needs to steal the entire quote but there’s a thing called netiquette, so one can only post a fragment and a link. AKH wrote, about Jenrick’s rubbish:

Asked about his past defence of former Conservative Party policies, the shadow home secretary said: “I have been a team player, which has meant I have had to promote other people’s ideas. I was happy to do so, it’s what you do as part of a team.”

Other people’s ideas eh? A pity they weren’t conservative ideas or even common sense ideas, true ideas, insightful ideas, scientific ideas, ideas about integrity and veracity …. (JH: and much more) …

The comments thread completes the picture.

These people are out of touch and morally bankrupt. Let’s return to the system, in the hands of and supposedly defended by paragons of virtue … MPs.

Essentially, 16.9% of eligible voters or 20.5%, depending on your figures, returned this govt, in these gerrymandered numbers, where the people engineering this fraud knew full well that people were either voting alien pressure group or red rosette as they always have.

What there was not … and the unprincipled again know this full well … what there was not was any political savvy among normies, any knowledge of political history, any thinking through … any interest in it at all.

There are various things at work:

*the lying by the wholly bought media, keeping normies in ignorance

*the parachuting in of candidates, often in the final stages, reducing scrutiny

*the notion of collective responsibility to Party only and Whips (thugs) to enforce it

*the electoral system itself

*this quote about “democracy”:

On the electoral system, first past the post enables, in this case, a single large party due to voter disgust with another party, without considering the untried but in France, it was often a coalition of various shades of left, until Micron just said no … and seemingly got away with it.

What is called AV here and downunder preferential, requires voters to put 1, 2, 3, 4 etc. in boxes next to names. In the hand count, whoever had the least votes goes out and his/her supporter’s second preferences come into play, votes placed on those other piles. Eventually, it ends up two-party preferred, with one winner. Produces two party parlmts.

Proportional … favouring coalitions of the left and few good policies.

None of those are good but the most iniquitous, perhaps, is a minority govt, on votes, ramming through policies anathema to a vast majority on votes but minority on seats.

1. DAD at 825

a) France’s vast public debt pile grew in the second quarter, official figures showed Friday, as Prime Minister Michel Barnier’s shaky minority government girds itself for a gruelling budget debate.

b) This “way of managing money and doing business that is consistent with the moral principles of Islam”, as defined by the Bank of England, has long flown under the radar of the general public.

JH: I plan to run this from DAD elsewhere too, not sure where yet.

c) Whilst literature teachers were once the only ones to sound the alarm, it is now all secondary and university teachers who are paying the price for this drop in standards. “My final year students are becoming incapable of constructing a sentence logically…”

d) Monday Mirthday.