Saturday [4 to 8]


8. Steve at 822 (a JH selection)

Man from 4:

Rep. Eli Crane Warns President Trump Against Returning to Butler

Man from 3:

ICE Report Reveals Over 13,000 Murderers, 15,000 Rapists, and 425,000 Convicted Criminals Allowed Into America by Biden-Harris Open Border

Man from 2:

Zelensky to leave US without permission to strike deep into Russia

Man from 1:

Entire UK Labour Government should be thrown out and banned from public office

7. Penseivat at 822:5b

I understand that a shed load of Labour MPs, who either voted for, or abstained over, the cancelling of the winter fuel allowance, are requesting the heating in their offices be turned up, as it’s too cold for them. If this is true, it shows the hypocrisy of this government.

On the same topic, my mate down the pub suggests that pensioners, especially those in Labour constituencies, all gather together in council office foyers, or even constituency offices …

6. To post or not to post

… that is the question … whether tis nobler in the mind to say it … or whether to shut it because certain good people close to me are part of the species, biologically … the good part, natch, nothing like those mentioned below … plus it’s written by a man, Neon Revolt, who does not like this demographic at all but like most men, does love the best of the species … largely on our side, natch.

The question then arises … am I a man or a mouse? In failing to address this egregious lot who’ve always been nothing but trouble, like certain invaders … is that pathetically weak of me, fearing that our good members of the species here might be miffed?

So here tis … in two parts:

a. This is a problem.

You see, the reason we have elections is because they are a cheaper proxy than war. In elections, the biggest side wins, which would probably be the case with war too. But in elections, no one dies, and you don’t have to spend money on weapons etc. So it’s a good proxy.

However, it doesn’t work when one side is significantly weaker than the other, such as when women are on one side and men on the other. In this case, even if the women outnumber the men and would win an election, the women would not win a war, and so the proxy is no longer an adequate proxy.

And if we were to switch from elections to war, it would be one side that is mostly women against another side that is mostly men. Men would win easily with very few casualties.

So why would men consent to be ruled by elections when they could more easily win a war? This is why women never should have been allowed to vote. It nullifies elections as proxies for war, and we end up having to have war instead.

Uh huh.

b. Kamala literally **is** a Boomer.

Go to her rallies. You will see it lined, wall-to-wall with Boomer cat ladies. I would go so far as to say her voting base is almost exclusively Boomer women – aka AWFLs. Stop deluding yourself.

These are awful people, the absolute spoiled, entitled detritus of humanity willing to condemn all of us to a thousand years of darkness because they want a “fellow vagina-haver” to have the nuclear football.

My own feeling about it is a quandary … they are precisely the ones who wormed their way into key positions or were parachuted … they support all those Haitian cat eaters, the wrecking of towns, families, the murdering of full term and beyond babies … and yet they see themselves as kind and compassionate.

Whereas we, in our curmudgeonly way, do not support such satanic things. Go figure.

5. Oz Grand Final (Premiership), MCG

Had forgotten, saw, looked into it, surprised.

Last week, some might recall, the Lions held off the Cats and they did this from 5th place, almost unheard of with the League’s algorithm of top four, bottom four in the finals (playoffs).

120 to 60 points it seems.

My thoughts? Well both Swans and Lions are displaced “development” teams from the 80s when the competition went truly national. The Swans had been the “Lakeside” team:

I once used to sail about 50 metres from the corner of that ground, so I’ve affection for the Swans. They were then displaced to Sydney. No affection for Sydney but the team … yes. Interestingly, they had a longtime hold over the Cats, the Swans did … winning many encounters. I’m thinking part of the reason is it’s tough to hate them, most people have affection for them.

I also have affection for the Lions because they were originally Fitzroy in Melbourne and the colours were maroon and navy. No one hated them except mongrel teams … I was once at a game at the Cats’ ground and there were families in the outer … goodness me … snacking and handing out cups of tea. Both team’s supporters intermingled … I mean, really! They were near impossible to hate, the Lions … displaced to Brisbane.

So how did I feel, seeing the score just now? Slight disappointment … the Swans deserved it but also pretty amazing of a team from 5th … they deserved it.

Either way, the mongrel teams I detest were not part of the playoffs.

4. Same old question

… do you buy that it’s so … or not?

The ones interviewed but not named … well they’d be silly to name themselves, yes? So we have what we have.

Source? These people … check the columnists rather than only the authors:

My stance? Buy for now, prepare to shelve but probably not … seems correct for now, given the rest of what goes on there in Arizona.

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