(1548) Including quiz if I can stay awake long enough. Nigh nigh all. (2149)
20. Steve at 822:4
Summary now, at 2030. There has to be a starting point in dealing with what we’re facing. It could be anywhere … say Friday 8 or 9 or a couple of yesterday’s but the message is exactly the same … we’re dealing with a level of unprofessionalism in security which is jawdropping … and at the very highest levels … not just with the Woke left parties but with the fake conservatives too … the Uniparty.
This is why 822:4 is so good, though even she was being unprofessional talking over the speechgiver at the start. Once she stops that and even stops his long, rambling speech (at that age), then we start getting somewhere. She has two security-minded professionals on the show there and they lay out the mindboggling danger the enemy has asked us, the ordinary people to accept as “normal”.
Why do we accept it? Combination of decades of lies from fakers, a Uniparty, the way they now get to children and the lack of father in family to teach the chn well, such that no one can prevent the things we’re seeing in schools any longer. We’re dealing, not only with very, very bad players but with a shellshocked, dazed public unable to even contemplate the actual level of danger we’re in …
… real danger, not theatrical hyperbole. The speaker at 822:4, the one at the microphone I mean in the opening clip … he understands … and yet fails to take care of his own security. This is … frankly … bizarre. Part of it is the utter disbelief that all failsafes have in fact already been breached … no one can believe they have been.
For what to ask people … why your incredulity? Why is it so hard to see it? Answer … this is classic enemy action upon us, dear fellow humans and the worst enemies are right there in parlmt, in congress. I mean true enemies, actively acting against us … see 822:5 a and b. Not just rhetoric. How can Steve see it, how can I? Because we were trained to, decades ago. Not only us but we’re just the loud ones.
We can only take series of steps, one by one and the very first is the security of the speaker in 822:4 … yes, this also impinges on our own security here and in Europe. Plus you, I, all our readers … need to start looking our own outer, middle and inner defences, making decisions.
More soon.
19. Toodles
18. Try these
a. Apples and strawberries are actually types of which popular flower?
b. Which not really fruit can baking soda sweeten?
c. Are tomatoes and pumpkins both fruits?
d. Getting to Know You comes from which Rodgers and Hammerstein musical?
e. Name of two famous bald actors?
f. In which musical did she wish to wash him right out of her hair?
g. Which is the second stroke in a piston engine?
17. Afternoon roundup
a. Blogrolls:
b. Sidecar instead, mini-cabin?
c. At least he admits it, the prat:
d. Today’s maths quiz:
e. Not too safe being a man either:
16. Storm report
“Thank God we’re both alive to tell about it,” Rhonda Bell said after a towering oak tree outside her home in Valdosta, Georgia, smashed through the roof.
(1220) Part of this post will be political stories but part is to chat about the set up in the light of a new project tried and ditched. I’m in bed ill-ish, blogging from here on ipad. Slowly. (1428)
15. Ladies for afternoon tea
Only two pictures, interesting, of fellow Xers … very strange poses.
Check the feet:
And with this gal … is it the logo of interest?
14. Steve at 822
Big Tish James is back in the news, she’s the crooked New York Attorney General who swore to “get Trump” when she ran for that office. It’s not looking good (for her) on the appeal of the civil fraud case which ended in Trump being fined $355 million in damages …
JH: more over there, inc. link.
13. The latest project testing here at unherdable holdings limited (of brain)
Time to come clean … a bit. Part of this new fun cybersystem here is we can try out website builds to one side while Unherdables continues to do its thang … most useful indeed, as well as having our own search engine. Plus various failsafes.
Right, so I was playing with Ghost … my mate loaded, I played. Ghost is a perfectly acceptable CMS (content management system) for someone at intermediate coding level. In skiing terms, it’s red intermediate slope, whereas I’m blue/red, which is middling-good, no way expert (black).
Now, Ghost is just raw code and so a nice front page can be set up … except … there are no bleedin’ comments on offer, unless you get one, called discourse, and enmesh it … that takes coding skills. For me … a pain. Ghost simply offered no comments thread. Whaaaa?
Which leads to the difference between comments and forums. Forums (fora) are best for expertise chats, i.e. you need to know the best way … go to ghost forum or “headline” forum (a theme not offered but gettable in zip form) … ask your questions.
Where they fall down, fora, when used as blog comments, is that they need reader registering and logging in every single time. Also, our model at Unherdables is not that you would go through all that each time, just to see if anyone’s posted something interesting on the forum … there’s a certain amount of shooting blind there.
This is why sidebar “latest comments” is so important … you only need one click to get to HQ in the first place, glance at comments, start scrolling down (remember I must make this not endless). If there’s anything at NOWP, I signpost that, ditto with UHC or Jstack (nothing today so far by the way at those two, as I’m ill in bed).
Fora do not allow that, they’re blind entry, by definition, plus ugly … plus the last point now:
Both Jstack and Ghost work on a model where you, let’s say you’re a blogger, want your readers’ money, you just gotta have oodles of it … or else you want your readers all signed up, their details now sellable for hackers. Plus it’s assumed that you, this new blogger, wants maximum traffic, never mind how many bots, trolls, dumbos pile in, riff-raff from anywhere … and they all argue and insult each other.
It’s a totally different model to Unherdables.
Here, we have regulars who know the ways of the others … we don’t want, we don’t need, “blind” traffic … we’re a tavern which a certain clientele find to their taste and the beer’s not bad.
Now, in Ghost, the set up stage involved over half how to sign up to this or that in order to maximise my “message”. Ain’t got no message, I’ve the running of a friendly tavern where discussion sometimes gets willing but mainly it’s an alt-source of checked out news … that’s it. Trolling and baiting would only get in the way … your maniacal thirst for traffic in the new blog models would be a giant turnoff in ours, quite against our blogging model here. Bad enough with substack.
So you see … nearly all “modern” blog sites, blog themes, have lost the plot imho. There was one theme only on offer at Ghost working anything like this one … ditto at WP themes library. No one seems interested in just the main blog big column on the left plus sidebar layout on the right anymore … not snazzy enough for modern cool dudes. Today, you need designer front pages with masses of white space … why?
Look, you come into a blog … you want the first post to start just under the narrow navbar, you want latest comments in the sidebar. The picture there is just a concession to pretty colours. You have an opening window, right? You want to decide interesting or not without needing to scroll. At least … that’s so with me.
And who needs Read More lines? I want to be able to scroll down and see all the day’s doings aqap.
Upshot was I ditched Ghost. Shall I try Joomla or the dozen others? Sorry but seems to me that WP and Blgr are still the best … but there’s a heavy price though, innit? “Community wokery”, though to be fair … WP is far better with this.
12. The unlettered screenshots with no links (roundups)
If you scroll down to the Alex Bath piece on Starmer’s BS, where Alex asked was there any need to comment … no there wasn’t any need … it was all in the screenshot and needed no link.
Now, Denileriverafter has this Brad Paquette posting with just the text below but I’ve run it instead as the link and the link expands as you see below, with everything included:
“..It looks like Gretchen Whitmer leveraged the office of the Michigan Governor to send out disinformation alongside mail-in-ballot applications intended to solicit votes from inactive voter registrations like that of my mother’s maiden name from the 70s.
Gov Whitmer sent a letter to the house my mom grew up in (a hard dem household) claiming that freedom and voting rights are at risk, to then implore the reader to sign a prefilled application allowing a ballot to be sent to seemingly any location, permanently, based upon a signature. ..”
2:21 PM · Sep 23, 2024
It looks like Gretchen Whitmer leveraged the office of the Michigan Governor to send out disinformation alongside mail-in-ballot applications intended to solicit votes from inactive voter registrations like that of my mother's maiden name from the 70s. @GovWhitmer sent a letter… pic.twitter.com/p2T8XCzNPV
Now we get into an argument here … you can click that letter and if on X, enlarge it … but not if not on X. And do you actually need all that extra page space? Because it means it exponentially increases the scrolling required for the reader, given the sheer number of topics we cover.
Plus there’s the time involved. The Brad P link was a one click thing … easy on me, not cumulatively easy on the reader. So both methods have their annoyances. Here’s a mini roundup in our regular style:
I’m suggesting, reader, that as there are no links involved or provided by them, as said links are not necessary in order to get the general idea, then that’s fine, as long as it’s four, max five.
Now, just had a criticism from one our regulars that it’s all sorts of topics in the one post … that apparently does his head in and fair dos if that’s so … sorry me.
The only way I have around that is a separate number for every single item. Fine for the reader … not so good for me and here’s why … every new subheading is purple. There is no autosetting at this WP theme. For every heading, I must turn the ipad into portrait, click select, click bold, click colour bar, click the second panel, click the hexcode panel, use delete to take away the default six letters and numbers, type in six new ones, save …
… which creates a revision with WP … which is a complete “shot” of the post, each one occupying disk space. Multiply that by every sub heading in the post, times the number of posts in the day … you getting the idea?
Now it’s all well and fine saying to me, “I’m not interested in your blog issues, Jimbo.” Fine but they’re still issues for a’ that. And there’s the rub. On the other hand, with DAD and Steve, I do put in a, b, c, d … which does make it easier all round … readers understand that it is a different topic on each issue.
(1015) Cold and windy, had a cold attack again earlier … old codgers need to stay warm 24/7. I have some big screenshots today and other items not for a “roundup”, plus some for a roundup. The eagle-eyed will have noticed a feature post on Old Ireland (colourised) and it loaded fine … all good. Tested it … prats insisted we “sign-in” to their “community” to watch. Goodbye.
11. Moosh corner
… as one does.
10. One of “ours” from a few years back
As Alex says:
9. I’m calling this one inconclusive
I went into the docpetechambers … guy with stetson, possibly connected to Alex Jones … I’d say be careful at this point.
8. The rampant election fraud, the open lying
… the punishing of those calling it out, plus no way to redress it … it really must be addressed by some regulatory mechanism:
7. Views the shadow psychos don’t like
There is something totally out of kilter here when someone is treated this way over a viewpoint … is it really THAT threatening to the PTB?
James….I need to do a follow up but I glanced at something earlier. According to the writer, our area was hit by a storm Sept. 26, 1958. It was a category 4 storm named Helene.
5. Ha ha, like it at TCW
THIS may come as a surprise, but behind the bluster of Donald J Trump is divine inspiration. The remarkable story of the 45th President of the US began long before his birth. The year was 1919 and the setting Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, where one of the worst tragedies in modern British history occurred.A thousand men from the sparsely populated Outer Hebridean terrain of Harris and Lewis (a single island divided by mountains) had died in the Great War. This was a significant loss of labour to the community, which worked hard to survive in a harsh climate. On New Year’s Eve 1918 the surviving soldiers were at last returning from their service on the Western Front.
The enemy, naturally, top of ggl rankings … Reuters etc. … has the first few pages of “debunkings” that Reagan ever said it and both Snopes and some Reagan library woman weigh in, in similar vein, using the old “could not find” gambit. Look the other way, say you searched thoroughly and “reluctantly” could find no reference. Means diddly squat.
Left pundits then move it one stage further and say it was never said by Reagan. Of course that means nothing at all. Samuel Johnson said many things to his scribe, many which made it into print. The Oxford Book of Quotations has many “attributed” quotes and that’s the most honest stance to take, provided of course that you have a name to attribute it to.
In this case, there’s not and so the quote is useless. And as a leftist on Quora asked … who cares about Reagan anyway? That’s really not the issue… the issue is how much of it is true. So what does ggl say?
Thomas Ludwig John D’Alesandro Jr. (August 1, 1903 – August 23, 1987) was an American politician who served as the 41st mayor of Baltimore from 1947 to 1959.
Pelosi’s mother was also active in politics, organizing Democratic women and teaching her daughter political skills.[9] Pelosi’s brother, Thomas D’Alesandro III, also a Democrat, was elected Baltimore City Council president and later served as mayor from 1967 to 1971.[7]
Interesting thing is the link would not embed … kept saying “bad request” … you’re following all this I assume. Now note that this is all still enemy territory … haven’t even touched Gab or X on it yet. The prime issue is … is there prima facie cause to keep investigating the notion of c*rr*pt Balti**** politics … city hall, not unlike Tammany Hall … or is there not the slightest reason to dive more deeply?
On the above, given her own subsequent behaviour, there’s plent of reason to deep dive. For example:
“In July, PaulPelosi, the husband of Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, sold over $500,000 of Visa stock, two months before the Justice Department launched an antitrust lawsuit against the credit card company.”
That’s part of it … there was this too:
Now the issue of one day before or two months before is not all that relevant … DJT is taking an enormous risk if it was not one day before, so our stance here is let’s wait till Pelosi sues Trump to see if she has a case or not. If she does, I’m happy to take down the post item here, along with grovelling apology, along with anything nasty I’ve ever written about Baltimore being corrupt … for all we know, it might be a paragon of virtue.
3. DAD at 822:1
a) The news of the rape and murder of 19-year-old Philippine on the outskirts of Paris, involving a Moroccan illegal immigrant who had already been convicted by the courts and was facing deportation, exacerbates the anger of French citizens …
b) Naturally, Guido had a peek at the records. The dates of their luxury £20,437.28 stay? From 29th May 2024 to 13th July 2024. The first GCSE exam was on 9th May 2024, and the final one wrapped up on 19th June 2024. So, not only did Starmer’s so …
c) Migration and crime top the list of topics that Austrians are most concerned about, a newly released survey reveals.
d) Friday funny. Been there. Done it. Felt foolish…
2. Steve drops at 821
a. NATO Prepares Mass Evacuation and Rescue Plans as Senior General Warns of World War 3 with Russia
b. Pittsburgh Public School Issues Statement on Allegedly Forcing 17-Year-Old to Register to Vote Democrat Without Parent’s Consent — Outraged Mother Fires Back in Scathing Response
c. Has [The] Ukraine lost all of its NATO-supplied F-16 fighters? – Levan Gudadze
d. Governments and shadowy organisations secretly collaborate to silence dissent