Sunday [7 to 10]

(0519) Not all that light out there. (0631) First signs of lightness, of life itself. (0729)

10. Saw this at Quora

… not advocating, nor un-advocating, just posting:

These are some of the fruits that are not good for your liver’s health:

  • Grapefruit -Grapefruit contains compounds that can make liver unable to metabolise certain chemicals.These can cause problems in the blood flow which can cause more problems later on.
  • Papaya- Papaya is one of the fruit that is not good for liver,as it contains high quantity of natural sugar which can make the liver to difficult to digest.The natural sugar can cause lot of problems in the body as it takes a lot of time to digest natural sugar.
  • Watermelon- Watermelons are one of the fruits that are rich in fructose,which makes the liver to process the watermolen to the other organs and later it cause problems to the other body ‘s organs.
  • Berries -Berries are rich in fructose and antioxidants which make it difficult for liver to digest it .
  • Pineapples-Pineapples are rich in bromelain,one of the enzymes which is responsible for blood thinning and blood clotting in some people.These can be harmful for people who are suffering from diseases.
  • Mango-Mango is a fruit which has high glycemic ,which means that they can rise the blood sugar levels in the body which means it difficult for liver to digest.
  • Coconut-Coconut is rich in saturated fats which makes the liver unable to digest and process the food to other organs.
  • Dates – Dates are rich in sugar which means that it makes the liver to digest or process the food to other organs,It can rise the blood sugar levels in the body which cause problems and damage to the liver

9. In response to the Tim Worstall thing

… about Rowley, dropped by DAD at 816, Dearieme had an intelligent comment below it:

It used to be that I mocked people who fussed about physical appearance, their own or other people’s.I’ve moderated on this view. Maybe David Cameron was the first Conservative party leader for whom I felt strongly “I don’t like the cut of his jib”. Ditto the current Conservative leadership contender Jenrick. For Labour, Toni Blair. In the US the Scotus judge Kavanaugh.This is all separate from other reasons to dislike or distrust public figures e.g. because they are lawyers or gangsters or whatever.

8. DAD drop at 816:6 (also biblical looking)

a) The UK government has been forced to release documents showing that thousands of British citizens have been left disabled by Covid mRNA shots.

b) Justice Minister Helen McEntee confirmed on Saturday that Dublin will drop new hate speech provisions in the proposed Criminal Justice Bill, admitting that the “incitement to hatred” section of the legislation did “not have a consensus,” the Irish Times reports.

c) More than two weeks after his appointment as Prime Minister, on September 5, Michel Barnier has finally managed to establish a government, validated by Emmanuel Macron. The final list is composed of 39 ministers and secretaries of state, including 19 in full office.

d) Tim Worstall asks, “Is a bit strange that the country’s top policeman doesn’t have the shoulders to carry his epaulettes. Isn’t there anyone who can direct him to a decent tailor to make him a 3/4 size set or something?”

7. Some more

One reply

  1. 7. Some newspapers are saying that those MPs who voted to cancel the winter fuel allowance for pensioners, are now wanting the heating in their Parliamentary offices to be updated as it’s too cold for them. You couldn’t really make It up! I suppose the next thing will be Zil lanes?

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