Sunday [11 to 14]

(0909) A fine time to be up a second time in the day. (1109)

14. Starmer and the killing off of the elderly

See Ann Farmer’s article at TCW, plus John Marlow’s comment below it … the text is below this post now, here.

13. The Church

Consider these:

There are more than sufficient references in scripture about what is and is not acceptable and I’m not addressing that in this post item, nor in comments. However, the bigger question of the split church very much does need addressing.

By this, I do not mean Church with a whole hierarchy of Archbish, Synod, chapters, cults, huge money, gold and glitter … any of that … I mean the worldwide invisible collection of those who believe in the Trinitarian thing … I mean even Romans and CofE agree on many of those … just not the order most like.

Is Vigano a Christian, a good man? I say yes. Were the Wesleys? Again I say yes. Calvin? Ah … jury’s out … loved burning people, was right into calling people depraved … for a start, ‘not yet found’ is more accurate. Are the devout in each denomination at the lay level good Christians? I say yes.

So why are we split? As in politics, it’s the High Ups, the Holy Rollers who are the issue … Bergoglio, Welby, the megachurch Merc and Roller drivers. The walrus-like Paisleys, Not to mention Adams.

And as in politics, should the laity drive out the clearly unscriptural from the now usurped and hijacked buildings? Or do they suffer in silence, no longer welcome within those glitzy palaces?

12. First of two topics

… this on Nigel Farage and Tommy Robinson. To me, it’s fraught … with both characters an upside and a down.

Nigel Farage, to me, is more down than up at this moment, in deep with Tice who disgraced himself during lockdown and in the Ukraine and who’s a real politician type, plus NF did seem to sell out TBP in exchange for a gong, plus he’s shutting out TR who has quite a substantial following.

On the upside, NF is expected to form a govt, something UKIP were never going to … and to do that involves at least being an MP and understanding how politics works. Plus he does have massive following up and down the country.

The downside of TR is this accusation of being in the Zionist pocket … he’s certainly a one issue person and it was interesting he and Mark Collett falling out. MC is anti Pakistani swamping of us and he sees all the grooming and murdering as a national thing, whereas TR says the issue is the ruling cult itself, across many nations.

Resolution? In practical terms, TR will never form a govt, NF might possibly do so, drawing Tories over to him and this is Britain, not the middle-east … there is still a disparate nation to win over … Scots, Welsh, NI. The hardline policies I agree with in principle, more along Giorgia Meloni’s and Salvini’s line … wwweeelllll, we’re not going to form a govt that way … the centre must be willing to give you a shot.

As for parties themselves … well you nly need put policy planks on your manifesto and there are the points of disagreement right there … it needs, if you are to have a party at all … to be a broad church … but not broad enough to encompass Wokist communism. No way.

Because of the polarised nature of this right now … that helps rather than hinders the forming of a party which just might win. I’m obviously torn, seeing both aspects of this thing.

The last point I am concerned about is … should NF be successful, if momentum does roll his way … a) are there sufficient numbers, placed better within condtituencies and b) will NF sell out again, the patrician in him winning over the man of the people?

11. A fascinating yarn

… about Anabasis HERE.

One reply

  1. I put this on the TCW website.

    Starmer and his cabinet are ready to kill British old people, but will not even deport illegal immigrants.

    In his dystopian novel ‘The Camp of Sainte’, Renauld Camus (inventor of the term ‘The Grand Replacement’) tells of an invasion of thousands of illegal immigrants on the beach of Mediterranean coast of France. The threat had been apparent for weeks as the convoy of boats slowly made its way from India.

    In this case it is not a drip, drip, drip of a few each day as in the UK, but a mass invasion which should be easier to deter. I won’t tell you of all the head scratching, boasting, frightened lack of leadership etc as the flotilla becomes closer to France.

    The book ends with the crack Marine Units are ordered to fire on the boats to prevent them being beached and the immigrants coming ashore. An old man and the politician watch and see, one by one, the units cease firing – the guns go silent – the Marines are revolted at their actions in the killing and they mutineer.

    The unasked question is left to the reader, ‘is a civilisation worth saving if it means killing the ones who would destroy it?’


    JH: John, as this is already here at HQ, plus at TCW, then best I signpost as item 14, then run it as the weekend post at Jstack, also mentioning it at NOWP and UHC.

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