Daily Archives: September 21, 2024

Saturday [9 onwards]

(1011) Awful day out there, fair result so far downunder.

10. This will be the football post item for the day, for the week

(1049 BST) Lions looking good, Cats within one kick though, about 12 mins to go, with extra time. 78-83 … one kick will win it, time for heroes. The feed (a goal is 6 points):

“As we head into red-time, the Cats trail by five points. Geelong averages 8.6 points in red-time in last quarters this year – the equal second-most.”

84-83 … Cats by one point. Exciting.

Lions just kicked one … 84-89.

84-95 … oh dear. 😟

It’s over … 85-95.

Lions (5th), playing the Swans (1st) next week. On form, the Swans should take it but it will be fun … no idea which I’ll choose … I like both. The teams I strongly dislike are not in it this year.

Had everything? Oh yes, win or lose, anything the Cats are in is exciting. Congrats Lions.

9. Isolated case or sign of things to come?

Liverpool Echo just now:

Thousands of people have lost their jobs after a major UK construction company collapsed. ISG has been involved in numerous government projects, including the refurbishment of HMP Liverpool’s B-Wing, and entered administration earlier in the week.

It led to the redundancy of most of its 2,400 UK employees. The firm ceased trading immediately after appointing joint administrators from EY, who confirmed that efforts to find a buyer were unsuccessful.

Saturday [5 to 8]


8. Steve at last (815)

Evets 4

Female Arkansas State Trooper Shoots Allegedly Drunk Illegal Alien in the Head After He Assaults Her

Evets 3

Bombshell Transcripts Reveal Trump, in Fact, Ordered National Guard for January 6th — General Milley Confirms Trump Urges Top Pentagon Officials to Deploy’ Guard, or Soldiers, Active Duty Soldiers’

Evets 2

Zelensky to meet Biden on September 26. Israel – Lebanon Escalation. US Navy Prepares for War – Levan Gudadze

Evets 1

Testing in Australia confirms mRNA injections contain plasmid DNA and SV40 promoter

(JH: One of many such reports now)

7. Another good one from Rolf


6. TDS (blogrolls)

5. Pointy end of the Oz football season

There are four weeks of finals or playoffs, eight teams. Cats ended up, after the Home and Away, in third.

First week … 1 plays 4, 2 plays 3 in top tier

5 plays 8, 6 plays 7 in lower tier … these last two games are sudden elimination.

Second week … winners top tier last week have a rest, losers top tier play winners lower.

Third week (today) … last four remaining play off, the two winners go on next week to the Grand Final.

All right … I saw this in passing:

This is a much loved former champ … my quick question is … vaxxed? Meanwhile, the game has started, as of 0857 our time:

Those times are British times, not Oz. Quick look before posting:

0857 our time … 17-27 … hmmmmm.

0900 our time: 23-27 … better.

0908 our time: 35-27 … even betterer.

Not long to half time … Lions caught up, Cats kicked ahead again, I’ll try to give halftime score, then give it a rest. My fave teams down there are Cats, Melbourne, Lions, Swans in that order.

Halftime … 55-36 … right, fine, I’ll take that but it’s still early days. Cats head coach was a Lions star in his playing days … triple premier, real headkicker of a player.

Third quarter: 68-60 Expected. Cats have never done well after a layoff … they relax too much. Thus the Lions got away early today but were pulled back. Plus here they are pulling back on the Cats in the second half, early. Remains to be seen what happens.

Saturday [1 to 4]

(0721) Awful Gates sky. (0752)

4. The fourth item lost was about education

It’s mentioned at OoL … how the items were removed by some tosser … but Toodles’s quote points out that this thing has been going on a long time now … mindless, creepy seventies onwards, based on no known science … the posts of mine removed by the tosser were quoted educational articles, precisely on why all these changes were at odds with child psychology and could only lead to anti-social behaviour and insecurity in children … so they go wild.

Here’s Toodles’s text:

Education. What we have today has been in the works a long time. The creepy seventies and the fads in teaching. Open classrooms and pods and group …too much of that…cooperative learning…that is what they called it. Sone of that is fine….but really that is stupid.

The Americans would go to England to study education for their master’s. Japan and other Asians would come here and observe our public school schools and classrooms. I know they came to Mobile and I know the schools they visited. Oh my, oh my….did they not go home tee hee heeing about us!

They knew they had us in their clutches back then! I cannot begin to tell you how undisciplined sone schools were. At one school at the end of the day the teachers let their children out and the halls were wild. No exaggeration. They would run at full speed darting in and out and all sizes and ages.

Hey I understand they were wanting to get out and going. I understand the students letting off steam but the way they were allowed to behave was just terrible. Absolutely out of control. Dangerous. I would stand outside my door…and I was not a curmudgeon teacher….and make them slow down a bit and no darting, pushing willy nilly. I was the only teacher doing that. I could just see someone getting hurt and very hurt.

It was by the grace of God that no one that I know of got hurt. 

3. The third item lost was this

Christian preacher, Hatun Tash, has won a £10,000 settlement after being falsely arrested again at Speakers’ Corner in London.

On Sunday 26 June 2022, Hatun was setting up a camera at a crowded Speakers’ Corner preparing to preach. As she was setting up, a man snuck up on her belongings, grabbed her copy of the Qur’an and ran off through the crowd.

The Christian friends accompanying Hatun called the police to report the theft. However, as the police arrive, instead of establishing what happened, without any discussion, an officer tries to draw her away from the growing crowd.

Refusing to move from where she planned to preach, the officers then put Hatun in a hold and began to frog-march her through the crowds to waiting police vans.

The video which goes with it is DAD item “d”. Now this two-tier plod policing … don’t those men and token women have any feeling of shame, of right and wrong? Any moral spine? Let alone British and English law going back centuries now?

2. DAD

One of the post items I lost was the DAD drop summary … sorry but I’m not doing it over again … (and it’s good too):


1. WordPress is utter trash

The joke is that my techie mate, trying to wind me up yesterday, said I’d been “moaning” the whole time about this stoopid bloody block system they impose on bloggers.

I pointed out that I went ballistic around the time of the loss of the second last site (Chuckles and Wolfie era) … that was true. Since then, I have not … or rather had not … even through the fixing of NOWP, even through the setting up and running of UHC … all was well to that point.

With this site, I made a major error this morning … trying to blockquote. A simple operation at Blgr … select the text, press blockquote. Done. It just indents the text.

Not at WP which the scriptkiddies got to … oh bloody no … all this *&£#@#£&* stoopid crap in composing forced on us, to overwhelming protest from users. Trouble is … there really are only two choices on earth right now … Blgr and WP. Yes, I’ve tried Ghost … it’s rubbish, I’ve no time to P about with things like that at a most unsettled time, domestically and with health.

Thus, to get anything out for you to read … I’m afraid it’s this new sodding WP composing pig’s breakfast.

My second error was to try to escape all this block grouping or whatever … why the hell can’t we just write a bloody post and post it? Total waste of time this morning from 3 a.m. until 7 a.m. … four bloody hours gone.