Thursday [12 till close of play]

(1456)(1758) Time simply gets away … three hours, just like that.

15. Toodles warns about this video

… and yet it’s one which, once it gets going, and you buy what it says about “mandating” US companies to go communist … really shows the necessity of being rid of the EU in its entirety. My entire blogging life, my aim was not so much Brexit, though I voted that way … no, it was to utterly destroy that giant toad, the EU … it gives zero to the people under its yoke.

The girl is born in 92, so still young, also she was in with Glenn Beck, Dan Crenshaw and I can see alarm bells and red flags at our place going off in all directions. She did leave and make her own way, but it’s a rambling way, stuffed full of both superimposed ads at any moment, plus her own … she might be speaking on topic at last, then suddenly starts selling something.

Most offputting and yet her heart seems good, plus she’s a southern conservative gal, Reformed church, whatever they believe. Reader … if you can get past all the impediments and concentrate on the guest once he’s allowed to lay it out … as Toodles warns me might be worth it, then you’ll see the pincer movement on the entire west which the EU and other creepy crawlies are attempting with their hardball, threatening way of operating.

They must be thrown off completely, the EU, the high ups executed henceforth.

14. Moosh and these apocalyptic days

13. Getting this slightest of feelings

… that the country does not like our Beloved Leader:

12. Vox on Germany


A Germany full of Germans is an economic powerhouse. An area of 357,022 square kilometers in the middle of Europe populated primarily by German-speaking Turks, Arabs, and Africans will be neither German nor an economic powerhouse. This is not rocket science.

One reply

  1. 13. No it’s not going well for our Beloved Leader. The freebie issue isn’t doing him any favours, especially now his wife is being referred to as Victoria Sponge.

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