Tuesday [1 to 6]

(0633) Morning all … nondescript out there … summer is over. (0849)

6. Steve is back with his report on the fjords etc. at 807:6

… plus a few extras, e.g.:

During an interview with Fox News, Martin County Sheriff Will Snyder said the “million dollar question” is how Routh knew where Trump was going to be.

5. One more procedural thing, sorry me

Dearieme, in deliberately asking the questions about London Bridge etc., was doing a good thing … testing me out on this comments in the sidebar thing. Was speaking to my techie mate … it’s quite easy for a mid-tech to go into the script, find the 5 and make it 10 etc. etc. etc. … I’d say don’t mess … the designer entered universal settings … best leave that route and do something far more simple:

If it’s a question or something requiring insta-response in under a line … do that within the commenter’s comment, at the foot, after JH. If it needs more, such as this item 5, then just do it like this item 5.

Also … methinks same applies at NOWP and UHC … going to do the same thing there … at NOWP though, the numbers in brackets will still go in.

4. IYE is doing a service mentioning iffy players

… and methinks it’s time to start that iffy players page. Of course it depends on your point of view … Gab is full of antisionists (to disguise it) but even that depends who and in which context, also in which historical context.

However, there’s one starting to flood Gab and that’s the first red flag … the “flooding”. Name of Patrick Howley. We too need to have a watch list, not just the state and its backers. Maybe IYE can kick it off with a comment at t’other place … a pain of me, big ask etc. I can remember some of them.

3. ZeroHedge in Springfield, Haiti


We spoke with one employee at a local shop, and we will keep his name anonymous for fear of retribution by local officials or the federal government. He provided us with helpful insight into the Haitian crisis in Charleroi. 

He said at least half of the town’s population is now Haitian, noting the influx began to become noticeable under the Biden-Harris’ first term, adding there was just a recent surge in new Haitians. Many of these migrants are beneficiaries of Temporary Protected Status. 

As far as what is visible by residents, they explained the primary reason the Haitians were dumped into the town was because of Fourth Street Foods, a food manufacturer that produces quality frozen food products for the processed foods industrial complex. These foods end up being sold in major retail stores throughout the US. 

Let’s remind readers in March, we penned a note titled “How Shadowy Network Of NGOs Supplies Mega-Corporations With Migrants To Exploit Cheap Labor,” which is possibly how this entire scheme is being operated. The federal government alone can’t possibly plan shelter and transportation arrangements for the migrants.

a. Copyhold:

Of course they could easily set up a really professional hit using one of their trained, officers. But this would leave a big arrow pointing to the agency involved. So if the Deep State did want to get rid of Trump, they would need to maintain deniability. And this means working through third parties, who are necessarily flaky, unreliable people, employing sketchy methods. People like Crooks and Routh.

2. Some quotes today from X

a. Mark W:

“If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them.” (Sir Karl Popper, 28th July 1902 – 17th September 1994)

b. Alexandra Marshall:

Why do people want politicians to control and moderate ‘the truth’ online? No, seriously. Why are so many on the left incapable of thinking for themselves to the point the need a government to pre-edit the social conversation for them? It’s rather pathetic that a human mind could be so weak.

JH: Decades of seeping indoctrination, intergenerational.

c. Peter D. Clack:

If carbon dioxide doubled overnight it would make no measurable difference at all to weather or temperatures anywhere on earth. This is because the effects of CO2 are logarithmic & when you add CO2, the effect diminishes sharply on a sliding scale. Alarmists hope no one notices.

d. Dan Wootton:

Not just a day of shame for the BBC, but the discredited leftist pundits who defended Huw Edwards for political reasons while calling for my cancellation after a left-wing witch hunt. Notably Owen Jones, Emily Maitlis, Jon Sopel and Narinder Kaur. (I’ll) ever listen to them again.

e. Students for liberty:

“The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest causes.” (Thomas Paine)

1. DAD at 808

a) Trouble a t’mill. The Commission president continues to struggle with her self-inflicted gender woes.

b) also….France’s Thierry Breton announced on Monday he was quitting the European Commission with immediate effect, claiming ……..

c) ‘Queers for Palestine’ offered $1 million to hold LGBTQ parade in Gaza.

[DAD – I hope that they accept ;o) ]

d) The very first halal butcher’s shop in Creuse [Central France] will open in October.

6 replies on “Tuesday [1 to 6]”

  1. 1 a,b and c – oh dear!
    d – ha la la meat is already on sale in many supermarkets. Much of it reduced in price due to expiry date. From that I deduce there are not many takers.

    4. Give me a few days – got tech issues as one device went kaput and am awaiting its replacement. Got to share the remaining ones until then 🙂

  2. 2 d – Dan Wootton – very friendly with Samantha Markle. If you’ve seen TRG’s expose then that leaves a ? over him. Proceeding with caution here.

    JH: Ta again … shall now enter this on the page. I really need the old ones too … Charlie Ward etc. I’ll start looking back through. Napolitano.

  3. Michael Deacon in this morning’s Telegraph used the rapier neatly. About the Starmers and WFA.
    Winter Frock Allowance.
    JH: ☺️

  4. I saw photos of Lady Starmer posing in an expensive dress that is, allegedly, borrowed rather than having been received as a gift.

    Is it better to do corruption retail rather than wholesale? Maybe we should ask Toni Blair, Lord Slime of Mandelson, and that crew?

    JH: Beyond me.

    • Ah – the MF who grabbed DJT at a press call and was herself grabbed by one of DJT’s aids. Claims her life was turned upside down by the incident. OK.

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