Monday [12 till close of play]

(1449) Afternoon all … not a lot happening. (1804) Evening all.

19. Moosh corner

18. Westminster Abbey

17. State of play at Higham Mansions

There were three issues sapping my blogging time, demanding to be addressed … one was the cyber issue, more extensive than most know but, although still not out of the woods, it’s not major now, thanks to my techie mate … the second is medium serious … some health issues impinging more than they should, inc. end of day exhaustion … as in now … the third is existential, involving my abode, with some unfriendliness going on and demanding attention every time I think it’s sorted … not neighbours, who thankfully are great.

There is a fourth we all face … that which we blog about but that’s just ongoing, inc. having ONO stolen without so much as a by your leave. I just saw a fifth … what if you do actually come face to face with machete man or plod kicking the door down or whatever? N16 below is one version of that final showdown … written by a field pastor flyer I think:

16. A plane’s last moments

What do pilots say to the passengers of a plane when it is crashing? Is it like in the movies, or is it completely different?

“The captain of Alaska Air Lines Flight 261, last message to passengers (4:14 pm): “Folks we have had a flight control problem up front here we’re workin it uh that’s Los Angeles off to the right there that’s where we’re intending to go. we’re pretty busy up here workin this situation I don’t anticipate any big problems once we get a couple of sub systems on the line. but we will be going into L A X and I’d anticipate us parking there in about twenty to thirty minutes.”

After trying desperately to regain control of the plane, and being unsuccessful, the plane, headed to LAX, was actually upside down. To other pilot (4:20pm): “gotta get it over again… at least upside down we’re flyin.”

Plane is now heading for the water, and pilot comments to himself (18 seconds after last comment): “ah here we go.”

Between the statement to the passengers and the last statement, there were six minutes of conversation between pilots, and from pilots to control in LA. They were calm, cool-headed, and under control, trying every option available.

His statement about at least flying, even upside down, was even a moment of tiny humor. His last statement, with no panic, screams, or profanity, showed he was professional to the last. I even like the last message to the passengers, keeping them as calm as possible, and giving them a scrap of hope to hang on to, the same one he was clutching at.

(Readers, I did have a link here, had a warning about it, am now looking at the subheading link. Back in a moment. Right, leaving that link in at the top.)

15. Do you think this is what sent George crazy?

14. Three more

13. Mechanical engineering

12. Read the fine print at the bottom

3 replies on “Monday [12 till close of play]”

  1. I understand the unlimited illegal migration into Germany was initiated by Angela Merkel. Merkel was from what was East Germany, was said to be prominent in the Communist Party, and devastated as she saw her beloved GDR disappear following the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is not beyond the realms of possibility that, having risen to be Chancellor, she saw a means to destroy the capitalist Germany she hated so much, knowing she would be long gone, politically, before the results of that revenge became clear. Just a thought.

  2. Re #13 – Clever idea, but how was the drivetrain connected / disconnected? And what about the fuel & electrical lines as well as the gear, clutch and throttle operation?

    JH: Shhhhh, MD. 😎

  3. 14. Second one down – Health Ranger aka his real name Mike Adams. Wouldn’t trust him (or his alliance with Alex Jones) one inch. He has a history peddling dubious health supplements for one thing and misdirecting for another. Proponent of “Gaia” nonsense. He’s one of Them, allegedly, imo. I’d go carefully with his “sources”. Make of this what you will.

    Long report attached. This was part of the conclusion reached.

    “Adams has never truly been anti-establishment, because he is the establishment. Adams is a proud businessman with his own online health store, a sizable media empire, the owner of a lucrative software company, a mass-marketing genius with affiliates, owner of a web site that is somewhere near the 700th position for web sites in the United States, and now Michael is routinely getting free advertising for himself to millions of people by way of his new connection to Alex Jones.
    We conclude that Michael Adams is severely ethically challenged, but he compensates with his cunning. He is doing quite well for himself, despite his persona of a meekly lone ranger involved in fighting corporate Goliaths on our behalf. We have become convinced that his ‘ranger’ routine is a sleight-of-hand trick that is designed to improve his marketing efforts and to discourage this sort of factual exposure. Most of our alternative media colleagues would consider this report as journalistic suicide, because Mike Adams has marketed himself so well as the uncaped crusader. His crusade to rid the world of globalists and unethical corporations would best begin with a hard look in a mirror……”

    JH: Ta for that.

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