Monday [1 to 5]


5. DAD at 807

a) French Prime Minister Michel Barnier has a higher approval rating than President Emmanuel Macron as he works to form a new government, according to a poll by Ipsos.

b) Is the Rassemblement National the New French Kingmaker? The final objective must remain the departure of Emmanuel Macron.

c) The gag on ‘Climate Reporting’ is another French obscenity. A few days prior to the [Olympic] Games, French authorities fined the country’s second most popular news channel 20,000€ for challenging the popular narrative about a purported climate crisis.

4. The reflection of every one of these motifs already

… in film, TV, novels, should be noted by all … I mean, they’re putting it all out there for you, should you care to just notice. There are four major threats and have been for some time:

*Agency or state hits

The Parallax View puts it succinctly … also Three Days of the Condor, Manchurian Candidate, Quantum of Solace … Diamonds are Forever puts the moon hoax, should it be so, Die Another Day puts Icelandic Star Wars.

*Leftist/anarchist groups

Take your pick of films … Die Hard etc.

*The new invaders

Machete world … no one’s yet dared make films of it.

Buying everything up, controlling ports, Fang Fang, Murdoch’s chick etc. any films yet?


3. SF gate might be worth a look (it was on Gab)

Mulholland’s great achievement came when Southern California needed him the most. He is LA’s first water king, the man who brought much-needed Sierra snowmelt to the city by completing the Los Angeles Aqueduct. Finished in 1913, the 233-mile-long aqueduct runs from the Owens Valley in eastern California to the San Fernando Valley and on to countless homes and businesses. Because of Los Angeles’ semiarid Mediterranean climate, Mulholland’s massive public works project enabled dramatic population growth, which in turn fueled the explosive development of the motion picture industry — and LA’s many grass-covered properties.

2. Classic case of my comments here

I appreciated AKH’s and Dearieme’s jazz comments and wanted to get to them quickly … I did not want them to have slipped off the sidebar list already, which would have happened had I replied to that and other people visiting.

Therefore, if regulars know that any response of mine would be in-post unless I have added info to impart … it’s the second best option.

As for the history of the Baehrs name … interesting. Profound, eh?

1. A first look around at what’s what

a. IYE and shots fired at Mar-a-lago

Both the report and Laura Loomer are at 807. To my mind, if Them wanted, they could take out not just DJT but anyone else and the same in reverse … agency heads, inc. Schultz, Blair, Gates. It can be done by dedicated teams … question is … who’s dedicated to which goal?

b. Andy having a second look at Moseley and Enoch at 807

Nuff said.

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