Sunday [11 till close of play]

(1618) Including two jazz numbers if I can find two good ones we’ve not had dozens of times.

15. Housekeeping

We were doing security things earlier at HQ and its dash, which meant that in the last hour, the site was down and up, down and up. It’s up again now for me … should be for you too, if you’re still about.

Now, it’s going to have to be looked into again but not for “a few days” according to our techie. I’ll warn you when it’s going to be.

Just reiterating the order of sites for putting up warning/explanatory notes … the rank order of sites is HQ, NOWP, UHC, Jstack, OoL (I’ll try to keep OoL out of it).

So, let’s say it was HQ down (most likely) … notices would go up at NOWP, then UHC (just two, no more). Let’s say it was UHC down … notices would go up at HQ and NOWP … it will always be the first two in the ranking list. Thus, this notice is here and now I’ll post it at NOWP only.

14. Rolf on school fees

The average fees of a British boarding school are £37,000 a year. Adding twenty per cent VAT brings that up to £44,400.

In Portugal the cost would be about 30,000 euro = under £26,000. Children can attend established ‘international schools’ to learn in their own language.

As an ex-prep-school-headmaster, with boarding, I can only concur with this idea, as long as Woke values or EU communism were not being taught.

13. This directly relates to Dearieme, IYE

… and all who comment at this new site. At Blgr, I wrote the script for sidebar “latest comments”, which meant I could stop mine from showing and cluttering up the sidebar. At NOWP, UHC and here, even though HQ here is “indy”, I can’t stop my comments from appearing in the sidebar and so I’m loathe to comment under posts … this plug-in only allows five comments total at a time.

Which leaves me with the thorny question of how to show chaps and chapesses that I saw, read and would like to respond, as AKH does at his site. This way here … commenting as a post item, is one way.

12. Just two jazz numbers

… the first from Atticus today:

… and the second one of my ole faves:

11. Lee Anderson MP asks about our view

… of the murder the elderly bill:

5 replies on “Sunday [11 till close of play]”

  1. Well obviously. Otherwise the pound would collapse, you know.

    Anyway it’s more humane than letting auld biddies freeze to death. Which is what some Nazis said about murdering prisoners rather than letting them starve to death.

  2. 12. all good for me again, I like the Savoy Bearcats and wondered where the ‘Bearcats’ part of the name came from but can’t find anything. Maybe a link with the Stutz Bearcat car but I can’t find a link there either.

    No matter, enjoyed it all, a pleasant evening interlude after a miserable day of wet weather here in Derbyshire.

  3. “The name was inspired by a cheer and play on words for UC star player Leonard K. “Teddy” Baehr. A chant created during the game, “They may be Wildcats, but we have a Baehr-cat on our side,” eventually led to the name being memorialized in a cartoon published in the student newspaper following Cincinnati’s win.”

    That was in 1914. Maybe the word simply became an American idiom of the day – like bee’s knees or cat’s pyjamas.

    P.S. Liked the jazz.

    • Thanks – interesting. That would possibly fit with the Stutz Bearcat car too, which was originally built as a race car round about 1912. So most likely an American idiom of the day – the bee’s knees.

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