13. Toodles just sent this
… adding that we probably know it already but here’s the whistleblower.
12. Let’s have a film, shall we?
11. Just a quotation from His Last Bow
“There’s an east wind coming, Watson.”
“I think not, Holmes. It is very warm.”
“Good old Watson! You are the one fixed point in a changing age. There’s an east wind coming all the same, such as never blew on England yet. It will be cold and bitter, Watson, and a good many of us may wither before its blast. But it’s God’s own wind nonetheless, and a cleaner, better, stronger land will lie in the sunshine when the storm has cleared.”
Who ever thought in our youth, chaps and chapesses of my vintage, that one day this quite OTT and theatrical passage would turn out to be so prescient, given the quislings and traitors above us, in thrall to a cabal in the centre of Europe and in DC … but there it is.
10. M.A.D. psychosis
9. Dear oh dear, calling all of the praying kind (just now)

If you believe in the efficacy of prayer … then please. (1735) Am just adding this:

I’m thinking Julia and others too might be remembering Ranty.
8. Trying to bring as many factors together as possible
… concerning our wellbeing as we age, leaving out the actual threats from govt, Russian missiles, Harris etc. Certainly we’re looking at these as you know … but not in this post so much, except to recognise stress as a major killer.
Right … what I found with each of these below was perhaps 80% good ideas in there, maybe 10% omission through not being aware and maybe 10% deliberate omission … obfuscation. In fact, that’s not a bad rule of thumb to apply to most things we meet.
Youtube on killer factors for ageing people and some good things
A travel article on Italian diet and lifestyle
Business Insider article on the world’s unhealthiest countries.
What I found was missing was, in order of articles … over emphasis on masses of veg while not mentioning the vital importance of meat, esp. red meat, plus fish … then failure to mention Italian obesity as they age, esp. the females and why that might be … then failure to include the US and UK in unhealthy countries … coz we are.
Various factors, in no order, just as mentioned along the way:
*Movement from walking to even something like doing the washing by hand, taking the stairs and movement to occupy about two-thirds of the waking hours. I’m sitting in my armchair typing this but after it I must do the last hand rinse of the washing, then cook the cod and veg. Keeping routines in your day which force you to move is crucial.
*Mindset change … rather than just anger at Them, karens and normies … having a project … always on a project, e.g. getting this post out to you, completing it … always doable for our age … no quiz today by the way, chaps and chapesses, waiting for our returnees to possibly return.
Part of mindset is having faith in something at least … not Taylor Swift … the very capacity to have faith that something is right, true … it’s major. The Christian version also brings in charitability to curmudgeonly natures … also having someone to protect and/or look after, coordinate, whatever … it all helps.
*Diet … keeping up the non-alco liquid as we age … taking sips all day. A good portion divide … meat and other things on the plate … keeping junk out of it, except that one treat in the week … mine was just Morrisons crisps … gone now. Meat is vital as you age, in portions you can handle.
*Bonhomie … yes, some people say I do not have that … not so. Five neighbours who like a quiet life with their dog, cat, bunny etc., mate up the road, you lot whom I consider my circle … I strongly disagree that online is not friendship … some wunnerful people, plus near stress free … what’s not to like?
But not avoiding tragedy, ups and downs with those we’re closest to … I’m in no cocoon here, I feel their pain, though obviously not quite as sharply … I’ve mine too. To my mind, it’s a nice mix, plus I have a great view from the window … constant parade. Last two weeks was nice with my techie mate … our returnees are due back … many of us hope.
There are certain people on X and we have daily exchanges of banter … it’s far more important than it might seem … we look fwd to it.
*Coming back to stress … that’s the killer now … Them’s most certainly trying to kill us or make our life abject misery … Starmer doesn’t even disguise it, unlike Harris. In our minds … just give em the big eff off, concentrate on what we do, have fun, have a laugh, keep learning new things.
This blog … sorry to say … is here to list all the malfeasance(s?) of that lot out there … yes but not 24/7. Loss of ONO threw it out, made the return almost all politics. Needs to be more like ONO again. This site we’re on is certainly HQ now, not a stop gap.
*Don’t answer door or phone … the latter only if the number is in your address book. Never answer cold calls … ever.
*Sleep … I mention it last as, imho, if you get 80% of the above right 80% of the time … sleep is easier. Stop caring so much about things which, in the final analysis, you can’t control but still plan for eventualities … have your escape plan rehearsed. Perimeter security at your abode … primary and secondary at a minimum …
Accept that age often means broken sleep … so what? If I have two lots of three hours each, it’s still too short, so occasionally I just crash for eight or nine hours. Don’t stress over that, just go with it.