Monday wee hours [1]

(0043) All my own fault listening to, not watching, Alex M and Levan G. Went past midnight when this insanity came up:

The last lot of deranged psychos I’m remotely interested in are this lot of “greens” in Germany. Most online saw the Green deathcult MP, in Switzerland, take a gun into a church and shoot up images of Jesus and Mary. Seriously unhinged, the “greens”, nothing environmentally friendly whatever.

That clown above uses extremist language but do you see me anywhere here suggesting using violence on them? So who’s the fanatic? Radicalisation? What’s radical mean? Back to roots, no? Back to society, family, nation, friends, bonhomie, industriousness, charity etc. etc.

Where do I anywhere suggest that their “green” loonery publications be banned? Nor Snopes, nor that C4 clown Newman, nor Mad Cow at CNN, the letter agency front. Nor Codswallop at the Grauniad. They’re simply of no interest. Far cry, innit, our attitude, from what they’re actively trying on?

Expressing disagreement unconstitutional? In whose universe? North Korea’s?

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