Queen Bess’s b’day plus one of ours [4 to 8]

(0823) Very late start pour moi, I did crash again and slept through. Bleah out there in that Gates way. (1030)

8. Housekeeping – just when we thought it was safe

… there was one pesky detail which hit me like a smackeroo blurby … were this glitch I keep referring to occur … i.e. the site does go blank for you (an IP matter) … I’m … er … not going to know and I can see a case where my partner in crime also might not see that happen … he’ll know it has but he might not “see” it, physically.

In that situation, I’m going to rely on you, good reader, telling me asap … the obvious place is at NOWP as the ticker instantly tells me and I can then set the chain of events in motion … but a comment at any other site in the complex would also do that … or email if you prefer.

Just in case you need the email address, here tis again:

nourishingobscurity AT gmail DOT com

Plus there’s another failsafe email:

jimbohigham AT protonmail DOT com

Now, patient readers … there are other emails not used as yet but that’s not relevant for now.

7. The three letter sites today (urls from blogrolls)

6. Ian J

Stranded astronauts’ capsule to head home without them … Are the americans so paranoid that they won’t ask the russians to bring back the stranded astronauts?

5. DAD on this auspicious Saturday

a) Across at 799 is a chart of European endebtedness.

b) New PM’s Appointment Could Reshape French Political Life.

c) A former Labour councillor has denied encouraging violent disorder in a speech where he called for political opponents to have their throats cut. Ricky Jones, 57 …

4. As you can see, dear reader, it’s a special birthday

… but it’s also the birthday today of a special patron of this site … one of our two … she has not allowed me yet to name her as I forgot to ask, and I’m not dropping the slightest hint, I’ll just toodle along and get down to biz.

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